The bigger the audience at New Economy Week, the more voices we have shaping Vermont’s future. Please help us spread the word to your friends and contacts!
We’ve developed the following samples to make sharing quick and easy. Feel free to modify the samples to suit your needs, or just copy and paste!
Share the following article about Vermont’s New Economy Week with your newsletter subscribers and social media contacts with this simple link:
Sample Tweets:
- From Brattleboro to Burlington, #NewEconomyWeek promotes prosperity for all Vermonters. Join in October 13-19!
- Dozens of speakers + free events on ideas from climate change to finance to human rights at #NewEconomyWeek Oct 13-19
- Let’s build more prosperous, resilient, value-driven local economies! Join Vermont at #NewEconomyWeek Oct 13-19
- How do we get to a just, sustainable, and democratic economy? We’re talking change at #NewEconomyWeek Oct 13-19
Sample Facebook Post:
This October, #NewEconomyWeek will bring Vermonters together around issues of long-term prosperity and wellbeing. Join in your local New Economy Week events October 13-19 to celebrate progress, learn about new opportunities, and envision solutions in your community!
Vermont’s New Economy Week Image:
Include this image in Facebook posters, tweets, newsletters, or emails to your friends and partners!
Promotional Posters:
These posters can be distributed via email or printed out on standard 8.5″ x 11″ paper and hung in your community.
Vermont’s New Economy Week Schedule (click to download)
Who Owns Vermont Event Poster (click to download)