Donella (Dana) Meadows inspired countless individuals with her pioneering work in systems thinking, her strong voice in support of a just and sustainable world, and her undefeatable optimism. Her ideas and writing remain as influential today as ever. The Global Citizens blog is an ever-growing collection of reports, reflections, commentaries, thoughts, and stories by people striving to fulfill Dana's vision of a world that aligns environmental, social, and economic systems. Read on to learn more about this vision and what it means at all scales.

Dana Meadows’ Legacy for Sense of Place: Make Dartmouth the Best!

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: February 25th, 2001

By Jon Kohl ~Dartmouth Class of ’92~ I’ll never make the pilgrimage to Dartmouth I had planned last year. I’ll never have another chance for a mentoring dose of career advise from Donella Meadows. As she lied in a coma, all I could do from my Guatemalan apartment was blitz one last email to her idle account, one last email she will [...]

There’s a Hole in the Water

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: February 25th, 2001

By David Berry~ There’s a hole in the water. You can feel it. It’s been said “To know how much difference you make in the world, put your finger in a bowl of water and look at the imprint you leave when you pull out your finger”. There is a hole in the water. Dana withdrew her finger and we all feel a [...]

The Brightest Star in the Sky

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: February 25th, 2001

A Tribute to Donella H. Meadows by Alan AtKisson ~Keynote Speech, “The Festival of Faith”, First Presbyterian Church, Morehead City, North Carolina, USA, 25 February, 2001~ My purpose today is to introduce you to an idea, and the task is not a simple one. This idea has to do with how we relate past, present, and future. It has to do with [...]

Donella H. Meadows–An Appreciation

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: February 23rd, 2001

By Edward C. Wolf Like clockwork, each Friday morning the first link I follow on Tidepool is the one to the latest “Global Citizen” column by Donella Meadows. There I’ve come to expect insight served up with grace, commentary that offers a gentle education about things that really count. I’m never disappointed. Each month I have looked forward even more eagerly to a modest little newsletter that [...]

Donella “Dana” Meadows: A Personal Tribute

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: February 21st, 2001

By Seth J. Itzkan ~Futurist, Co-director World Future Society, Boston Chapter~ Yesterday we all lost a friend. Arguably the world’s greatest futurist and most responsible citizen, Donella “Dana” Meadows, lead author of the seminal work “The Limits to Growth” and the world’s greatest champion of systems thinking and sustainable development passed on at the untimely age of only 59. Next to Rachael [...]

About The Donella Meadows Project

The mission of the Donella Meadows Project is to preserve Donella (Dana) H. Meadows’s legacy as an inspiring leader, scholar, writer, and teacher; to manage the intellectual property rights related to Dana’s published work; to provide and maintain a comprehensive and easily accessible archive of her work online, including articles, columns, and letters; to develop new resources and programs that apply her ideas to current issues and make them available to an ever-larger network of students, practitioners, and leaders in social change.  Read More

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