Donella (Dana) Meadows inspired countless individuals with her pioneering work in systems thinking, her strong voice in support of a just and sustainable world, and her undefeatable optimism. Her ideas and writing remain as influential today as ever. The Global Citizens blog is an ever-growing collection of reports, reflections, commentaries, thoughts, and stories by people striving to fulfill Dana's vision of a world that aligns environmental, social, and economic systems. Read on to learn more about this vision and what it means at all scales.

An Ode to the Cow and the Milk

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: January 25th, 2001

“Years ago, when I went out to my new chicken house and found the very first freshly laid egg, I stared at it in awe. “How did that hen DO that?” I wondered. She takes in grain and bugs and kitchen scraps and turns then into an EGG! Shell on the outside, white and yolk on the inside, all proper [...]

In the old electric system…

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: January 18th, 2001

“In the old electric system, it cost utilities less to subsidize our more efficient bulbs than to build another dinosaur power plant. In the deregulated system, they have only one incentive: to sell us as much power as possible at the lowest apparent price. So much for efficiency. Don’t set up the poor to bid against the rich. Don’t try to [...]

So here’s the good news…

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: November 30th, 2000

“So here’s the good news. A knowledgeable and courageous U.S. president could help enormously in leading the world’s nations toward saving the climate, but an ignorant or servile president can’t stop committed nations, companies, or people from doing it anyway.” –Excerpt from the Global Citizen, November 30, 2000

Three weeks of information I never had before…

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: May 4th, 2000

Dana, on driving her new Honda Insight car: “Three weeks of information I never had before have changed 40 years of ingrained driving habits. I didn’t have to be coerced or rewarded; I didn’t have to change my values. I just had to see how my action did and did not conform to my values.” –Excerpt from the Global Citizen, May 4, [...]

The Earth has no way of registering good intentions…

Posted by Kindle Loomis, Published: April 20th, 2000

“The Earth has no way of registering good intentions or future intentions or high hopes. It doesn’t even pay attention to dollars, which are, from a planet’s point of view, just a charming human invention. Planets measure only physical things – energy and materials and their flows into and out of the changing populations of living creatures.” –Excerpt from the Global [...]

About The Donella Meadows Project

The mission of the Donella Meadows Project is to preserve Donella (Dana) H. Meadows’s legacy as an inspiring leader, scholar, writer, and teacher; to manage the intellectual property rights related to Dana’s published work; to provide and maintain a comprehensive and easily accessible archive of her work online, including articles, columns, and letters; to develop new resources and programs that apply her ideas to current issues and make them available to an ever-larger network of students, practitioners, and leaders in social change.  Read More

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