by Elizabeth Sawin
— 1 May, 2002 —
Just now despair lives close to the surface in many of the people I know. It leaps out at surprising times.
Walking up a hill with my neighbor Phil, a bottle of milk in his arms, my daughter on my back, I’m thinking how warm the spring day feels when he stops suddenly and speaks. [...]
by Elizabeth Sawin
— October 31, 2001 —
“Sobs racked the body of a middle-aged man as he cradled the head of his baby, its dust-covered body dressed only in a blue diaper, lying beside the bodies of three other children, their colorful clothes layered with debris from their shattered homes.”
I held this sentence, from a Reuters report on the civilian casualties [...]
by Elizabeth Sawin
— October 15 , 2001 —
Here in Vermont it is daytime.
Here my baby mashes banana in her hair and talks about the moon. Moonnna. Mooonnnnaah.
Here my daughter, just home from preschool, holding a purple painting of a tree, pirouettes around the living room in a sunbeam.
Here my husband serves lunch — warm potatoes with butter, parsley and basil. [...]
by Donella Meadows
— June 23, 1999 —
I didn’t plan it this way, but I have birds of three different sizes in my chicken coop, which is a bad idea.
The coop has a floor-to-ceiling chicken-wire divider down the middle. One on side are 40 full-grown layers plus a handsome Buff Orpington rooster. All is peaceful there, except for a constant low [...]
by Donella Meadows
— April 1, 1999 —
Surprised citizens are flooding Congress with calls asking how this Kosovo mess came about and why we’re involved in it.
When I heard that, my first thought was, “Where has everyone been?” This storm cloud has been darkening the horizon for weeks, as genocide broke out in Kosovo and negotiations dragged to a predictable impasse [...]
Donella Meadows Legacy
Systems Thinking Resources
About The Donella Meadows Project

The mission of the Donella Meadows Project is to preserve Donella (Dana) H. Meadows’s legacy as an inspiring leader, scholar, writer, and teacher; to manage the intellectual property rights related to Dana’s published work; to provide and maintain a comprehensive and easily accessible archive of her work online, including articles, columns, and letters; to develop new resources and programs that apply her ideas to current issues and make them available to an ever-larger network of students, practitioners, and leaders in social change. Read More
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