On the whole, human beings are not managing this precious and productive planet very well. Many of the resources that sustain life and wealth are being overuses and abused. The basic needs of all people are not being met. The costs of the mismanagement in economic loss, environmental impoverishment, and human suffering are enormous. Yet the earth has more than enough resources to meet all human needs. In every part of the world are people. communities, and nations who are preserving and enhancing the earth’s resources, and using them productively. Never before has the human population had such technological power, knowledge, organization,and riches with which to manage resources wisely and to support all people sustainably.
Donella Meadows Legacy
Systems Thinking Resources
About The Donella Meadows Project

The mission of the Donella Meadows Project is to preserve Donella (Dana) H. Meadows’s legacy as an inspiring leader, scholar, writer, and teacher; to manage the intellectual property rights related to Dana’s published work; to provide and maintain a comprehensive and easily accessible archive of her work online, including articles, columns, and letters; to develop new resources and programs that apply her ideas to current issues and make them available to an ever-larger network of students, practitioners, and leaders in social change. Read More
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