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by Donella Meadows
— March 30, 2000 —
What an upset! Oil-burning New Englanders watch their heating bills double. Truck drivers protest higher diesel costs by jamming Washington streets with their rigs. Congress, in its wisdom, offers to combat a sixty cent jump in gasoline price with a four cent tax cut. Our Energy Secretary runs around the Middle East begging for [...]
by Donella Meadows
— March 23, 2000 —
In what appears to be an uncoordinated campaign, three friends have brought me three different mail-order catalogs, asking me to condemn them publicly.
At first I resisted, because I prefer to dump on catalogs as a class, rather than singling some out, which might leave the mistaken impression that others are OK. However, three requests [...]
by Donella Meadows
— March 16, 2000 —
Biotech stocks plummeted this week as President Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair requested that companies make their data on the human genome public.
Private firms are racing madly to read and patent the genetic code that makes you you and me me. They are trying to beat publicly funded labs, which are required [...]
by Donella Meadows
— March 9, 2000 —
The strangest news items about organic food have been popping up. It isn’t good for you after all. It’s full of bacteria and insect parts. You folks who pay a high price for it are not only suckers, you’re risking your health.
ABC’s John Stossel recently interviewed Dennis Avery, “a leading critic of organic produce,” [...]
by Donella Meadows
— March 2, 2000 —
Last week the Vermont Environmental Board denied a permit to a developer for a project in Hartland. It was a typical interstate-exit gas/food stop — the kind of place no one likes to look at but we’re all glad to find when we’re on a long trip and running low on fuel.
Hartland’s I-91 exit [...]
Donella Meadows Legacy
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About The Donella Meadows Project
The mission of the Donella Meadows Project is to preserve Donella (Dana) H. Meadows’s legacy as an inspiring leader, scholar, writer, and teacher; to manage the intellectual property rights related to Dana’s published work; to provide and maintain a comprehensive and easily accessible archive of her work online, including articles, columns, and letters; to develop new resources and programs that apply her ideas to current issues and make them available to an ever-larger network of students, practitioners, and leaders in social change. Read More
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