The Living Planet Report is the world’s leading science-based analysis of Earth’s health and they impacts human activities have on it. Produced by the World Wildlife Fund in collaboration with the Global Footprint Network and the Zoological Society of London, the 2012 report found that the global population is using resources and generating pollution at a rate 52 percent faster than [...]

By Paul Krugman
The following article was originally published in the New York Times Magazine on April 7, 2010.
If you listen to climate scientists — and despite the relentless campaign to discredit their work, you should — it is long past time to do something about emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. If we continue with business as usual, they [...]

By Donella Meadows, Jorgen Randers, and Dennis Meadows
The following piece is a short synopsis of Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update. The full length book is available at Chelsea Green’s website.
A Synopsis: Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update
The signs are everywhere around us:
Sea level has risen 10–20 cm since 1900. Most non-polar glaciers are retreating, and the extent and thickness [...]

by Hal Hamilton
— September 19, 2002 —
Editorials and proclamations around the world express dismay about the 2002 U.S. farm bill. Media releases from the world summit in Johannesburg were full of criticisms by people in the developing world.
They blame us for hypocritically touting free trade while we subsidize exports that are dumped in their markets. Their local farmers are pushed [...]

by Hal Hamilton
— March 1, 2002 —
If you stand just outside the system of commodity agriculture and look in, the wasted opportunities are easy to see. Here at Sustainability Institute we use simulation models, but a drive down country roads is really all that’s needed. You see farmers investing in short-term productivity but rarely in long-term soil fertility. In the [...]