By Donella Meadows, Jorgen Randers, and Dennis Meadows
The following piece is a short synopsis of Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update. The full length book is available at Chelsea Green’s website.
A Synopsis: Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update
The signs are everywhere around us:
Sea level has risen 10–20 cm since 1900. Most non-polar glaciers are retreating, and the extent and thickness [...]

by Donella Meadows
— April 20, 2000 —
If, in the thirty Earth Day celebrations we have held since 1970, the human population and economy have become any more respectful of the Earth, the Earth hasn’t noticed.
The planet is not impressed by fancy speeches. Leonardo DiCaprio interviewing Bill Clinton about global warming is not an Earth-shaking event. The Earth has no way [...]

By Donella Meadows
–January 13, 2000—-
Ten days into the year 2000, as the media were abuzz with the merger of America Online and Time Warner, the Internet wafted to me the Dalai Lama’s millennium address. It’s a strange global info-world that brings those two pieces of information to one’s attention on the same day.
The Dalai Lama remarked that there is nothing [...]

by Donella Meadows
— October 7, 1999 —
Months ago the United Nations decided to make an event out of the fact that the human population meter would soon click over another billion. They picked an arbitrary date — October 12 — and declared it the Day of Six Billion.
What kind of event should this be? A day of repentance? A celebration? [...]

by Donella Meadows
— April 7, 1999 —
Overshadowed by the agony of Kosovo, outshouted by the Dow crossing ten thousand, a surprising news item appeared on page 6 or 15 or so of most American newspapers last week. Social Security has received a stay of execution. Instead of going into the red in 2032, it may survive till 2040 or 2050. [...]